Organisation Structure


1.    Dt.22.11.2021 khan Mizoram Governor-in Lunglei khawpui chu 'smaller urban area' a din a, schedule-a tarlan veng hrang hrang 24 et huamin Lunglei Municipal Area-ah puan a tum thu hriattirna (Notification) tihchhuah a ni a. Mi mal tu pawh, Lunglei Municipal Area-in a huam tur a tarlan chhunga chengin he hriattirna thu chhuah, aeng lai pawh hi hnialna anei anih chuan achhan chiang taka sawiin he hriattirna hi Official Gazette-a chhuah a nih atanga thla khat chhungin ziakin Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, UD&PA Deptt hnenah thehluh tur a nih thu hriatiirnaah hian tarlan a ni bawk.

                                                                                        (No.B.13017/114/2021-UD&PA Dt.22.11.2021)

2.  Hun tiam chhung hian Hauruang leh College Veng atangin representations thehluh a ni a. Heng representation theh luttute hi thu leh hla ngaihthlakna (hearing) hi an khua/vengah neih a ni a. Director, UD&PA hovin Team of Officers ten Dt.24.02.2022 ah hearing hi an nei a ni.


3. Dt.24.01.2022-ah Lunglei Municipal Council tan a hnuaia post panga-te siamna (creation) order tihchhuah a ni:

i) Chief Executive Officer (Level 13) -           1 post

i) Secretary (Level 12)                        -           1post

iii) Superintendent (Level 10)            -           1post

iv) Finance and Account Officer        -           1 post

v) Assistant (Level 7)                         -           1 post

Heng post siam tharte hi Deputation-a hnawh khah vek tura ruahman a ni bawk.

(No.B.13017/114/2021-UD&PA Dt.24.01.2022)

4. Dt.01.03.2022-ah Hauruang leh College Veng te chu Lunglei Municipal Council area-ah telh an nih thu hriattirna tihchhuah a ni.

(No.B.13017/114/2021-UD&PA Dt.01.03.2022)

5. Dt.01.03.2022-ah Lunglei khawpui chhung veng hrang hrang 24 te huam chin chu Lunglel Municipal area-ah puan a nih thu hriattirna chhuah a ni.

(No.B.13017/114/2021-UD&PA Dt.01.03.2022)

6. Dt.08.04.2022-ah Lunglei Municipal Council hnuaia Ward awm tur zat chu 1 a nih thu hriattirna tihchhuah a ni, hetiangin:

Ward I:            Pukpui & Zotlang

Ward I:            Serkawn & Zohnuai

Ward IlI:         Bazar Veng &Colege Veng

Ward IV:         Venglai & Venghlun

Ward V:          Rahsiveng, Sazaikawn &Hauruang

Ward VI:         Electric Veng

Ward VII:       Chanmari

Ward VIll:       Ramthar &Farm Veng

Ward IX:         Lunglawn &SalemVeng

Ward X:          Sethlun, Luangmual, Theiriat & Hrangchalkawn

aWard XI:       Lungpuizawl, Zobawk S' ' & Zobawk 'N'

(No.B.13017/114/2021-UD&PA-Loose Dt.08.04.2022)

7. Dt.22.06.2022-ah Lunglei Municipal Council hnuaia Ward 1 zinga Ward 10 (Ward I tiam lovin) chu Scheduled Tribe tana vohbik (reserved) a nih thu hriattirna tihchhuah a ni.

(No.B. 13017/114/2021-UD&PA-Loose Dt.22.06.2022)

8. Dt.20.07.2022-ah Lunglei Municipal Council tana post siam takte chu a kaihhnawih (concerned) Service tana zuat bik (encadre) a nih thu hriattirna chhuah a ni, hetiangin:

a) Chief Executive Officer (Level 13)            -           Selection Grade of MCS

b) Secretary (Level 12)                                   -           JAG of MCS

c) Superintendent (Level 10)                          -           Junior Grade of MSS

d) Finance & Accounts Officer (Level 10)     -           Junior Grade of MFAS

e) Assistant (Level 7)                                      -           Mizoram Ministerial Service

(No.A.32022/44/2022-P&AR(GSW) Dt.20.07.2022)

10. Dt.11.11.2022-ah Director, UD&PA Department-in DUDO, Lunglei Staff 26 (Driver 3, Sweeper 21, Lorry Attendant 2) te chu Lunglei Municipal Council-ah attach an nih thu Office Order a tichhuak.

(No.A.22020/1/2022(Est)-DTE(UD&PA)/M Dt.11.11.2022)

11. Dt. 15.11.2022-ah Municipal Commissioner, Aizawl Municipal Corporation-in AMC Staff 5 (JE 1, UDC 1, LDC 1, Driver 2) te chu Lunglei Municipal Council- ah attach an nih thu Office Order a tichhuak.

(No.A.22011/1/2013-AMC Dt.15.11.2022)

12. Dt.08.12.2022-ah a hnuaia tarlan municipal functions 15-te hi Lunglei Municipal Council henah hlan (transfer) anih thu hriattirna tihchhuah ani:

1) Urban planning including town planning.

2) Regulation of land-use and construction of buildings.

3) Planning for economic and social development.

4) Public health, sanitation conservancy and solid waste management.

5) Urban forestry, protection of the environment and promotion of ecological.

6) Safeguarding the interests of weaker sections of society, including the handi- capped and mentally retarded.

7) Slum improvement and upgradation.

8) Urban poverty alleviation.

9) Provision of urban amenities and facilities such as parks, gardens, playgrounds.

10) Promotion of cultural, educational and aesthetic aspects.

11) Burials and burial grounds; cremations, cremation grounds; and electric crematoriums.

12) Cattle pounds; prevention of cruelty to animals.

13) Vital statistics including registration of births and deaths.

14) Public amenities including street lighting, parking lots, bus stops and public conveniences.

15) Regulation of slaughter houses and tanneries.

(No.B. 13017/40/2022-UD&PA(LMC) Dt.08.12.2022)

13. Dt. 13.01.2023 Zirtawpni chawhma dar 11:00-ah Convention Centre, Lungleiah Pu Tawnluia, Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister-in Lunglei Municipal Council hi a hawng (inaugurate).

(a) Casual Workers: Mizoram Sawrkar-in min phalsak angin, Casual Workers pasarih (Skill-II: 2, Unskilled: 5) lak an ni a Heng mite hian D.t 11.4.2023 khan Office an rawn zawm a, an tangkai hle. Heng bakah hian ahnu deuh ah Executive councillors te PA 4 leh Peon 4 lak phalsak kan ni.

(c) Attached Staff: Kan sawi takte bakah hian AMC atangin mi 5 (JE 1, UDC 1, LDC 1, Driver 2) leh DUDO atangin LDC pakhat rawn attach an ni .a Sanitation lama thawktu mi 26 DUDO, Lunglei atanga rawn attach-te erawh chu, LMC lamin anmahni kilkawitu tur Officer/Staff kan la neih mumal loh avangin, DUDO lamin an enkawl zui rih a ni.


14. Dt.29.3.2023 Nilaini (7:00AM - 4:00PM)-ah Lunglei Municipal Council tana General Election hmasa ber neih a ni a. Dt.03.04.2023.


15. Dt.13.04.2023-ah Mizoram sawrkar chuan 1s Lunglei Municipal Council-in Executive Councilor aneih zat tur chu pahnih (2) anih thu hriattira atichhuak. (No. B.13017/121/2023-UD&PA(LMC) Dt. 13.04.2023)


16. Dt.18.04.2023 Thawhlehni chhun dar 12:00-ah Convention Hall of Convention Centre, Lungleiah LMC Councillor hmasa ber atana than tlin takte lak luhna (Swearing-in ceremony) neih ani .a


17. Dt. 18.04.2023 Thawhlehni chhun dar 12:00-a Elected Councillor-te rinawmna thu tiamtira lak luh an nih hnu lawk hian Board of Councillors meeting hmasa ber neih chhunzawm nghal a ni a.

Danin a sawi angin, BoC Meeting hmasa ber neih ni, Dt. 18.04.2023 Thawhlehni hi Lunglei Municipal Council hmasa ber term chhiar tan ni tur a ni.


18. Dt.03.05.2023 Nilaini chawhnu dar 2:00-ah BoC Meeting Hall, Convention Centre 4ht Floor-ah Orientation Programme for Elected Councillors neih a ni a. Pu H. Lalhmingthanga, CEO, LMC-in Councillor-te tana hriattur pawimawhte sawiin zirtirna a pe a, Councillor-te an kal tha hle.

19. Heng Draft regulation te hi draft tawh niin,comments leh suggestion mipui ten an neih theih nan press ah chhuah tawh a ni.

1) The Lunglei Municipal Council Building Regulations 2023.

2) The Lunglei Municipal Council Licensing Regulations 2023.

3) The Lunglei Municipal Council Display of Advertisement and Hoarding Regulations, 2023.

4) The Lunglei Municipal Council (Solid Waste Management) Bye Laws, 2023. The Lunglei 5) Municipal Council (Plastic Waste Management) Bye Laws, 2023. The Lunglei Municipal 6) Council (Control of Parking and Collection of Parking Fees) Regulations 2023.